Canadian Albacore Association & Sail Parry Sound
present the 2007 Ontario Albacore Championship
June 23 and 24, 2007
Come experience one of North America's best sailing venues.
Prizes will be awarded throughout the fleet (winners of races -top 3 are
Some of the sponsors include;
Salus Life vest, donated two Abacus sailing vests
Quantum sails
Fogh Marine
Sailing World
North Sails
Elvstrom/Sobstad/Transate marine
Parry Sound is a premier sailing venue. On a typical day, a thermal
kicks in around 1:00pm and brings in a nice strong steady breeze ranging
from 9 to 15 knots most days. The goal is to get in 7 quality races over
the two days.
$65.00 for registering prior to June 18, 2007; $85.00 for on site
For further details please contact Jeff Beitz jeffbeitz at
To register etc. go to:
Happy sailing!
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