Svendsen's Thursday Night Week 1 - Results are posted

Matthew Sessions mcsessions at
Fri Apr 6 14:22:38 EDT 2007

Lasers & Vanguardians,

Thanks to the dumber side of 'dumb & dumber' (your Thursday night
co-chairs), results have now been posted online:

Just an FYI that crew names are not posted due to our new scoring software.
Please send your complaints to: jim.barkow at

What a great night last night!  18 Vanguards & 7 Lasers made it on the
water.  We had 4 great races before the darkness & fog took over the Cove.
PRO John Super Jr & Sr had the race course set by 6pm and the first race of
the season almost started on time at 6:33pm (due to horn malfunction).  The
season was underway just minutes later.  The Lowry's seem to be the team to
beat by winning 3 of 4 races - and then an 11th place?  No capsizes and or
bumper boating to report.  As always, final scores were very tight and every
point was critical.

- Our sponsor Svendsen's ("buy a boat, buy some sails, or buy some gear")
- Social Chair Mark English (good luck on the DoubleHand Farollones this
- The John Super 2 Race Committee (awesome job!)
- Those of you that paid your season dues
- 21 more weeks of great racing
- TISC staff for having our ramp in place, working crash boats, and
paperwork ready

- Cold fog & early darkness (remember days are getting longer & warmer)

Ski Sail is next weekend in Tahoe - pack up the gear, dogs, and get ready
for great spring skiing.

Sign up now for the next Thursday night (Sarah Deeds & Alex Mountjoy are
Social Chairs):

Matthew #1629
2007 Thursday Night co-chair until I am impeached by the 2006 ChairLady from
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