Fwd: Looking for a misplaced sail - returning V15 sailor

Ernest J Beffel ebeffel at mac.com
Sun Aug 2 20:45:49 EDT 2009

> Dear Fleet:
> My boat has been on loan since fall '07 to the Sea Scouts at Aquatic  
> Park. It's returning and I look forward to rejoining the fleet.
> Last time I saw my racing sail it was on a shelf in the storeroom.  
> It stuck out, because (1) it had no cover, (2) it was wrapped around  
> plastic drainage pipe, (3) it had a purple jib sheet and (4) it's  
> number is "3". I can see that the room has been cleaned up once or  
> twice since my last visit.
> Any idea where sail #3 went?
> Thanks for your help.
> Best regards, Ernie Beffel
> 415-902-6112 cell
> "ebeffel" or 650-276-0489 Skype
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