Super Thursday # 1 this week

Matthew Sessions mcsessions at
Tue May 26 00:51:44 EDT 2009

Vanguardians & Lasers,

Get fired up for Super Thursday # 1 this week.  We have much to celebrate so
sign up now:

- Big announcement from Svendsen's about a BRAND NEW & LOCAL V15 Fleet.
Hint - it's a warm venue yacht club and close to TISC.  (Okay - you figured
out it's not StFYC).
- Post-race kegs and raffle by Svendsen's Marine.
- Welcome the college teams in town for nationals this week.  Team Racing
Nationals start at TISC Friday.  Let's show them San Francisco is the place
to live and sail after college.
- Can we get 40 Lasers and V15's???
- John Super will be starting races promptly at 6:15p (Lasers) and 6:30p
(V15's) so arrive early.
- Bonus points for the V15 Series.

See you on the Cove,

Matthew Sessions
MCSessions at
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