#475 Sails Missing

Brandon Whitney brandon.a.whitney at gmail.com
Sun Oct 31 21:31:49 EDT 2010


So far we've only met a few members of the V-15 fleet, but a couple months
ago we purchased #475 from Sarah Deeds and spent a few weekends repairing
the leaks, getting it sorted, and generally having a good time.

We were planning to go out sailing again this afternoon but discovered that
our sails (mainsail, jib, and sail bag) had gone missing from the TISC sail
locker/shed.  The sail bag had "#475" and "DEEDS" written on it in black
marker.  The mainsail and jib also had these markings near the tack and the
mainsail has a large black #4 drawn on it.

The missing sails cost us a trip to TISC and a missed afternoon of sailing.
I'm thinking someone may have grabbed them inadvertently and we won't hold
that against anyone, but we would really appreciate having them returned.


Brandon and Diana
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