Fwd: {RECRUIT} Seeking a sailor, lighthouse keeper or harbor worker between SF and LA

sally madsen sailsally at gmail.com
Wed Apr 13 16:56:47 EDT 2011

Hi guys,
In case any of you is interested-- my company is looking for someone to talk
to about navigational lighting. If you fit the bill, email tpartee at ideo.com.


*From:* Trena Partee
*Sent:* Wednesday, April 13, 2011 1:52 PM
*To:* Palo Alto - All; San Francisco - All
*Subject:* {RECRUIT} Seeking a sailor, lighthouse keeper or harbor worker
between SF and LA

The SL team is seeking a *Sailor, Harbor worker or Lighthouse keeper
somewhere between San Francisco and LA* for an interview on either Monday,
5/2 or Tuesday,  5/3. We would like to talk about how they use lights for
navigation, for communication between vessels, etc. We would be interested
in spending 1.5 hours chatting further about their experience and would
compensate them $150 for their time.

If you know someone that fits this description and would be interested in
chatting with us please have them email me directly with the following
Phone number:
How long have you been doing this?
Please tell us a little about yourself and your experience:

Thanks, in advance, for your time!
Trena Partee | Research Recruiter | IDEO | Palo Alto, California | O
650.289.3678 | C 415.999.6630 | www.IDEO.com
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