TISC Junior Crew

Alex Symes alex.symes at gmail.com
Tue Jun 5 15:38:30 EDT 2012

Hi all.

For this Thursday, we need two things.

1) We need a fourth boat to host a TISC Junior sailor as crew. There is
talk about bonus points brewing amongst the fleet leadership this week, so
don't miss this opportunity and email me soon.

2) I need to borrow some blades. There is a TISC Boat sailing with a new
fleet member and a junior sailor, but the boat is still missing some
blades. If you have a set you are willing to lend for this night it would
be great. (If you are nervous about your blades, You can lend to me and I
will lend mine to the boat).

This is a big chance for the fleet to impress the TISC board, so please
help me with this.


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