Ski/Sail 2013

Avery Patton avery_patton at
Fri Feb 1 02:16:24 EST 2013

Vanguardians and Laserers -

Mark your calendars - Ski/Sail 2013 is the weekend of April 6-7!

This is the 20th anniversary of Ski/Sail and Ralph and Stacy want to go big, and 
there's talk of the StFYC being involved in some fashion. Let's get a bunch of 
Vanguards and Lasers up there. 

Note: this is a high motivation event, but it is a scientific fact that every 
participant in Ski/Sail, ever, has been glad they made the trip. So start 
working on crew, trailers, trailer hitches, and boats so that less motivation is 
required when it gets closer.

I'm happy to help with all these items, and those of us with ski houses should 
be able to put up anyone who needs housing. So easy!


P.S. Mike and Jon, can you forward to Laser folks?
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