Last call: SUPER Thursday today

Al Sargent asargent at
Thu Sep 12 14:26:52 EDT 2013

Today's SUPER Thursday! That means four things:

1) Double points
2) Just three more nights of fleet racing left.
3) The tightest racing on the bay. (We can claim that after Tuesday's
catamaran race, right?)
4) If you make tactical mistakes you probably won't get kicked off the
boat. (Condolences to JK...)

Doug is social chairing and I'm sure would appreciate an accurate headcount.

There are a couple of people who've posted here that they're looking. One
of whom skippered very well last week. So if you have a boat you're not
sailing, please reach out to them (or me) so we can get them out on the

Best regards,


asargent at | +1 415 742 1430
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