Just 4 more to go! Sign up

Al Sargent asargent at stanfordalumni.org
Wed Aug 13 15:50:35 EDT 2014

We only have four more Thursday nights until it's adios for six months to
evening fleet racing. So sign on up!


Crosby's social chair and as always an accurate headcount would be welcome.

To mix things up, we've recently tried out longer upwind and downwind legs.
This opens things up much more tactically and is a surprisingly different
game than the shorter upwind legs we've had for the past few years.

If you don't have a boat, or know someone you want to get into the fleet,
both charter boats are open. Last week was the first night (I believe)
where a charter boat won, so they definitely can go fast.

See you out there!

Best regards,


asargent at stanfordalumni.org | +1 415 742 1430
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