Awards Input Needed

Sam Wheeler samwheeler.sail at
Sun Nov 13 16:17:30 EST 2016

Hey V15 sailors,

I'm starting to get ready for the fleet party next weekend (don't miss it!) and I'd appreciate any thoughts on awards that we should bestow. Here's a screenshot of what we did a couple years ago. For this year, I'm thinking of cutting this down to just: (1) overall series top 5, (2) sportsmanship, (3) social chair, (4) most improved, and (5) PRO.

PLEASE LET ME KNOW ASAP IF ANYONE HAS ANY THOUGHTS ON WHICH AWARDS WE SHOULD GIVE OUT. I'll send out a survey in the next couple days to determine winners of the awards that need a vote. 

To give some rationale for some of the ones I'm proposing to skip, I think the assistance-with-distress award overlaps pretty significantly with sportsmanship, and I think best crew ends up being a little arbitrary when we have a lot of spectacular crews in this fleet and not everyone has had a chance to sail with each other. But I'm open to persuasion if others feel differently. 

Next year it might make sense to add trophies for the spring, summer, and fall series, but I'm DIYing these trophies and I don't think I'd have the time to do more than the first place boat for each, which this year would be redundant to our series podium finishers (and a little self serving).


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