I am still on my quest to find the right tuna for my family to race a
bit and cruise.
I've read the Steve Seal and other articles on things to look for.
But here is one for which I need some advice.
Attached is a pic of the cabin floor where the keel attaches (Yes, I
know if I buy this boat I need to haul it and put in stainless
keelbolts). There is a crack or flaking where the fiberglass makes the
turn from the seats to the floor, on the left edge of the picture.
In case this mail list does not allow attachements, you can also see the
pic at:
My questions:
1. What do you think it is and what causes it?
2. Would you repair it? If so, what would be involved?
BTW-- if you are selling a boat and/or trailer and have not yet
contacted me, please do. I will probably make a purchase by Christmas.
Thanks a lot for any input you can provide.
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