[Santana 22] Great Pumpkin regatta

Heidi Schmidt heidieschmidt at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 27 09:31:05 EDT 2011

A member of my crew just bailed due to a family emergency - at least we will be matched!


From: Jan Grygier <hydrophilos at earthlink.net>
To: tuna at myfleet.org
Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2011 10:52 PM
Subject: Re: [Santana 22] Great Pumpkin regatta

Carlos is now signed up for Saturday only; we'll sail with spinnaker if there are enough others doing the same.  Regatta website now shows 6 Santana 22's, so I think we get our own start, hooray!

So far I only have one crew - if any of you are crew or have boats
    but can't pull a crew together yourself, you'd be welcome aboard...

Jan Grygier

On 10/7/2011 2:21 PM, Anne-Carlijn Alderkamp wrote: 
Hi Tuna sailors,
>Who is up for the Great Pumpkin Regatta at Richmond 29Oct? 
>This is supposed to be the last race of out spinnaker series, but
      due to the low attendance there hasn't been much of a series, so
      if folks want to race white sails we can do that to bring out more
      boats. "Byte Size" will sail Saturday, not sure about Sunday.
      Please let me know if you plan to come and if you'd prefer white
      sails or spinnaker,
>"Byte Size" #801
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