[Santana 22] Fleet meeting, Fri March 13, 7 pm Pineapple sails in Alameda

Santana22 San Francisco santana22sfbay at gmail.com
Thu Feb 26 16:38:12 EST 2015

Dear Tuna skippers,

Please join us for the annual Santana 22 fleet meeting. Please let me know
if you are planning to come , the fleet will get pizza, if you can bring
some drinks to share it would be great! The address is:

2526 Blanding Ave, Alameda, CA 94501

Please dress warmly as the loft isn't heated.

I'll send out an agenda this weekend, please let me know if there is
anything specific you want to bring up,

Fair winds,

Anna Alderkamp
S22 SF Bay co-fleet captain
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