Saturday June 9th & Sunday June 10th
We Want You There!
$1,000 PRIZE!
Win this bursary for your Club's junior programme or sailor development by bringing the most boats to our Regatta!
(RCYC will NOT be eligible for this prize)
Racing on the Lake - $25 Entry Fee for two days of racing!
4:00pm Mount Gay Rum Pour, Presentation of $1,000 Bursary,
6:00pm Steak Dinner ($20 extra), 7:30pm Live Band -
"Arden and the Tourists"
For further information on participating fleets, Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions please go to www.rcyc.ca, or email Heather Macnaughton at Heather at HeatherMacnaughton.ca.
Register Friday at Waterside Tennis after the FNR or fax application from www.rcyc.ca
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