Thursday Night Sailing Tonight and LCR Donation Update

Matthew Sessions mcsessions at
Thu Aug 31 13:04:55 EDT 2006


Are you signed up to sail tonight?
It's going to be REALLY nice tonight.

Special thanks to donors Natasha Baker, Scott Kozinchik, David Byron, Meghan
Walsh and George Yioulos from West Coast Sailing in Oregon.  David, Meghan,
and Scott - as first three donors, let me know if you want a bottle of wine
or 6-pack of beer.  Meghan - don't let Mark English offer to pick up the
gift on your behalf - oldest trick in the book.

We are currently 45% of the way to our goal in less than 24 hours.  Will you
make your tax-deductible donation now?

While Avery will think I am nuts for doing this one....the next donor of
more than $50 from the fleet can sail my brand new boat in the final race


PS - Be sure to thank Jim Barkow tonight for his yet-to-be-posted pledge of
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