Zoë Sajor
Office Development Coordinator
Treasure Island Sailing Center
415. 421.2225
Fax 415. 421.2208
From: Robbie Dean
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2008 11:17 AM
To: Zoe Sajor
Subject: Water is restored at TISC
Dear TISC tenants,
As many of you know our water main ruptured under the pier a couple of weeks ago. Since then our hoses, water fountain, and showers have not been working.
As part of our lease we were responsible to get it fixed. After calling a few plumbers we realized it was going to a be very expensive job to hire out due to the fact that it had to be a water-bourne repair.
TISC Maitenance Manager, Dan Fishman took on the project and got it fixed today. Dan is a very talented individual who spent many hours under the pier wrenching on pipes that have been seized for decades. Please take the time to say hello and thanks to Dan the next time you see him. His talent is invaluable to our organization.
The good news is... The water is back ON at TISC! Come on down and hose off your boats.
Thanks for your support.
Robbie Dean
Executive Director
Treasure Island Sailing Center
ph- 415.421.2225
e- robbie.dean at tisailing.org
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