Fwd: RE: NSBD J24 Drivers

Alex Symes alex.symes at gmail.com
Fri May 18 12:38:20 EDT 2012

Hi all.

One last plea for J/24 drivers. If you know anyone that is available for a
few hours tomorrow, email Lacey at: lacey.todd at tisailing.com

It would mean a lot to TISC and the fleet. (And it would count as volunteer
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Lacey Todd" <Lacey.Todd at tisailing.org>
Date: May 18, 2012 9:07 AM
Subject: RE: NSBD J24 Drivers
To: <alex.symes at gmail.com>, "mike bishop" <mbishop0025 at yahoo.com>
Cc: "Kevin Berry" <Kevin.Berry at tisailing.org>

Hi Alex and Mike, ****

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Just wanted to check in with you to see if anyone volunteered to help out
this Saturday. ****

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Thank You, ****

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Lacey Todd, Operations Manager ****

Treasure Island Sailing Center ~ 698 California Ave. Bldg. 112 ~ San
Francisco, CA 94130****

Phone: 415.421.2225    Fax: 415.421.2208    www.tisailing.org****

Visit us on Facebook<http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Treasure-Island-Sailing-Center/42282781985>
& Twitter <http://twitter.com/TIsailingcenter> or Join our Email

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*From:* Lacey Todd
*Sent:* Thursday, May 17, 2012 12:55 PM
*To:* Alex Symes (alex.symes at gmail.com); mike bishop
*Cc:* Kevin Berry
*Subject:* NSBD J24 Drivers****

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Just an FYI that the only person from your fleet that singed up for NSBD is
Alex and we are still in need of more J24 drivers. If you could make an
announcement tonight that would be great. We still need 1 J24 driver in the
morning and 4 in the afternoon. We can also use general event volunteers.
Thanks for the help!****

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Saturday, May 19th ****

Shift 1 10:30AM – 1:30PM 1 J24 driver needed****

Shift 2 1:30PM - 4:30PM 4 J24 drivers needed ****

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Thank You, ****

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Lacey Todd, Operations Manager ****

Treasure Island Sailing Center ~ 698 California Ave. Bldg. 112 ~ San
Francisco, CA 94130****

Phone: 415.421.2225    Fax: 415.421.2208    www.tisailing.org****

Visit us on Facebook<http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Treasure-Island-Sailing-Center/42282781985>
& Twitter <http://twitter.com/TIsailingcenter> or Join our Email

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