Sign up -- and read up

Al Sargent asargent at
Thu Jun 13 03:48:11 EDT 2013

Last week we had 15 boats signed up, and I believe 17 boats on the line --
pretty cool!

Currently we have 10 boats signed up so far. So if you haven't.... so that our social chair Eric knows what
to bring.

Not so cool was the number of races that we scored (one). This is because
the race committee had to go off station to help other boats whose masts
were stuck the mud, and couldn't write down scores.

So, please check out our Facebook group for a
what to do and not to in a capsize, and don't hesitate to ask others
the fleet for more tips on preventing and recovering capsizes.

Best regards,


asargent at | +1 415 742 1430
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