Sign up -- and read up

Al Sargent asargent at
Thu Jun 13 11:27:25 EDT 2013

Looks like it's shaping up to be a great day! A high of 68 is forecasted
for TI. Could be higher than that, given that there's no fog here in the
western part of SF.

Best regards,


asargent at | +1 415 742 1430

On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 12:48 AM, Al Sargent <asargent at>wrote:

> Last week we had 15 boats signed up, and I believe 17 boats on the line --
> pretty cool!
> Currently we have 10 boats signed up so far. So if you haven't....
> so that our social chair Eric knows
> what to bring.
> Not so cool was the number of races that we scored (one). This is because
> the race committee had to go off station to help other boats whose masts
> were stuck the mud, and couldn't write down scores.
> So, please check out our Facebook group for a discussion<>of what to do and not to in a capsize, and don't hesitate to ask others in
> the fleet for more tips on preventing and recovering capsizes.
> Best regards,
> Al
> asargent at | +1 415 742 1430
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