Hey Bay Area Tuna Skippers,
Here's a list of upcoming races that should be of interest to all
Tuna Skippers on SF Bay.
February 23 IYC Sadie Hawkins Regatta. The kick-off Women's Race
Event for 2008! Woman skipper, anyone on the full crew. I think
there are enough boats on the Estuary and other locals for a One
Design if we get things organized quickly. Full information on the
IYC website <iyc.org>. Skippers' meeting at 1130 and racing at
1300. Smooth Estuary sailing! Lots of fun!
The IYC bunch follows the race up with a Chowder Challenge around
1600 after they hand out awards for the Sadie. Lots of fun! Great
camaraderie among the women skippers and their crews.
February 24 Santana 22 Fleet #1 Chinese New Year's Party at the Bay
View Boating Club. Don't miss it!
March 15 IYC Doublehanded Lightship Race. Keep up the Tuna winning
tradition and join this short race out to the Light Bucket (well,
actually a fairly small buoy now-a-days) and back. A good intro to
racing in the Gulf of the Farallones. I'd be happy to email back and
forth to any first timers about what to expect and how to prepare you
boat and your crew member.
March 22 OYC Rites of Spring. This is a doublehanded race. We've
had a One Design Division in the Rites for years; let's keep up the
tradition. I propose a Non-Spinnaker, One Design Class Jib entry for
this one so everyone can enter. George and his Oakland YC crew run a
good race. Again, I'd be happy to coordinate questions for this
one. Information and entry form on the OYC website
<oaklandyachtclub.com> and follow the buttons to "Race."
March 29 BAMA Doublehanded Farallones Race. It's a long one for
Santanas, but if you're interested in racing out to the S. E.
Farallon Island and back (60 nm) why not think about giving it a
try? BAMA hasn't posted info about this year's race yet. But, check
the BAMA website a little later for info <sfbama.org>.
If you decide to enter the BAMA Doublehanded Farallones for the
first time, I urge you to get in touch with Stephen Buckingham or me
or someone who's sailed the race about preparation, safety, and
sailing the race. It's a long haul in a Tuna, but with careful
preparation it can be fun. And remember, no one's ever been
criticized for turning back.
YRA SEASON. Now is the time to sign up for YRA's ODCA Racing
Season. For the sign up fee you get 6 days of ODCA racing (white
sails, class jib) and Spinnaker Series races (genoa/chute). You can
sign up for YRA and for your PHRF Certificate Renewal online this
year. Go to <yra.org> for full information.
The ODCA race days are May 17, May 31,June 21 and August 9, August 24
(Sunday), Sept. 6.
The SPINNAKER race days include the Great Vallejo YC Opener (May
3/4), The Encinal YC 2nd Half Opener (July 26/27 for boats not going
down to the Nationals at Santa Cruz), the Corinthian YC Season Closer
(Sept. 27/28). What a deal!
"Elaine" Sail #38000
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