[Santana 22] Jack Frost Currents

Cathy Stierhoff cathy at stierhoffcpa.com
Tue Feb 19 13:16:13 EST 2013

Can anyone out there weigh in on the currents over in the East Bay during the Jack Frost mid-winters on Saturday? We on Tackful were flummoxed once again. Through no fault of our own, we were first to the upwind mark on the first race. In other words, we lucked out. It certainly appeared at first that going way right on the way up was the right thing to do. We stayed more to the center and that paid off, but we're not sure why. By the second race we thought the flood would have kicked in. And by "flood", we thought that meant that the current would be coming in from the slot, and angling up toward the Richmond Bridge, thereby helping us up to the upwind mark. Instead we all fought the current mightily, no matter where we were on the course. Any comments? 

Thank goodness we at least had enough wind to keep our boats moving and thank GOODNESS the R.C. shortened the course! We'd still be out there!

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