[Santana 22] Santana 22: Anybody got an extra tiller?

Nancy & Pat Broderick broderic at sonic.net
Wed Feb 12 22:35:05 EST 2014


First, have you tried the used boat equipment place in Alameda?  Grand  
Marina, I think?

Second, there's been a Criags List listing (under boats) for a place  
in San Leandro (?) that has a supply of misc. sailboat parts.  I think  
they buy junkers and take them apart.  I don't see the listing on  
today's version of CL, but it's been up pretty regularly this past  
year.  It looks like a warehouse filled with "stuff."  They're only  
open at certain times if I remember correctly.  You might keep an eye  
out on CL for it.

Third, how about a "wanted" posting on CL?  Don't use your real phone  
# or email address as a return, though.

Fourth, WM sells a "Tiller Bracket & Shim Kit."  I don't know anything  
about it, for instance whether or not it would work on a Tuna, but the  
Alameda WM Store might know.

Finally, I don't understand how the tiller could be so far off  
center?  Does the hole at the top of the rudder shaft sit a 90º to the  
rudder?  If not, then the rudder is fixed at the wrong angle onto the  
shaft. If it's 90º then something's really wrong the rudderhead end.


I second Svendsen's for a tiller.  That's where I got a new on for  
"ELAINE" and it fit just right.

-- Pat Broderick

On Feb 12, 2014, at 8:56 AM, Kristen Past Commodore IYC wrote:

> Hey while folks are looking for an extra tiller, if anyone comes  
> across or gets a lead on replacement TILLER CHEEKS (you know, the  
> attachment of the tiller to the rudder stock) please let me know.   
> Some of you may recall the rudder breakage I suffered at nationals  
> last summer, and the rudder is now replaced, but the tiller is loose  
> and unfortunately now cocked some 30 deg. to starboard when the  
> rudder tracks straight.  My old cheeks are pretty crappy, and there  
> is also a small issue with the stock alignment, but I really could  
> use new cheeks.  Try finding those on Google or at Svendsen's - I  
> haven't been able to - except soliciting someone to custom make, so  
> any leads or suggestions I am grateful for.  Thanks!
> Kristen
> #318 Pueo - who really really wants to go out and play soon and  
> can't wait to get her stolen motor replaced!

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