2014 Ski/Sail Poll

Avery Whitmarsh averywhitmarsh at gmail.com
Fri Mar 14 16:05:49 EDT 2014

Hi all -

As of now, Ski/Sail is not on the calendar for 2014. That is because a)
there's not much snow up in Tahoe, and b) last year we only had five boats
interested and Ralph didn't want to organize the event for only five boats.

However, if enough folks are motivated, Ralph would consider running the
event somewhere with more snow than Squaw (maybe Sugarbowl).

If you would attend Ski/Sail this year, please *fill out this Doodle Poll *with
which weekends you're available (it shows on Saturdays, but would obviously
be a two-day event): http://doodle.com/d4hzparg5mapq2df.

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