[Santana 22] Santana Saturday 6 April practice races at Treasure Island, start 11 am

Santana22 San Francisco santana22sfbay at gmail.com
Wed Mar 27 19:43:13 EDT 2013

Dear Tuna skippers,

Please sign up on the website  www.santana22.com for the practice event on
6 April so we can get an idea of participation. Also, let me know if you
are looking for crew or looking for a boat to crew on,

Anna Alderkamp

"Byte Size" #801

On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 9:58 PM, Santana22 San Francisco <
santana22sfbay at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Tuna skippers,
> Get ready for the new season by joining us in Clipper Cove, Treasure
> Island, on April 6 for the Santana Saturday. We will practice lots of
> starts and short windward-leeward races. First start at 11 am, please bring
> some food and drinks to share for a potluck lunch. We should be done before
> 3.
> This event is low key and we invite everyone with some interest in racing
> to join. We hope to get many Tunas out on the water and specifically invite
> new and/or beginning skippers. Please let me know if you are looking for
> crew, or would like to crew for this event, and I will try to help out.
> Please sign up on the website www.santana22.com under "events", or by
> sending me an email.
> Attached is a flyer you can put up a noticeboard, or put on other
> Santana's in your marina.
> Many thanks to Frank Lawler and Michael Andrews for organizing this event!
> Hope to see many of you out there and of course at the Wheeler regatta at
> April 13 and 14,
> Fair winds,
> Anna Alderkamp
> "Byte Size" #801
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